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Calendar of Events

March 2025
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Events available for Registration...

NEW COURSE! Back to the Basics ? Water and Wastewater Chemistry #04-032501-30 (Mercer)
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Emerging Contaminants - Sampling, Labs, Results and Reporting -# 04-022101-30 (Mercer)
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NEW COURSE! Back to the Basics ? Water and Wastewater Chemistry #04-032501-30 (Camden County)
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Production Wells ? Strategies for Sustaining Operational Life Cycles - 04-032504-10 -Ridgewood,NJ
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NEW COURSE! Back to the Basics ? Water and Wastewater Chemistry #04-032501-30 (Morris County)
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OSHA Safety Training - Multiple Topics - #04-022303-31 (Hightstown)
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Excavation/Trenching and Shoring - PM Session - #04-032202-31 (Hightstown)
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Hazard Communication/Right to Know Global Harmonization System - AM Session - #04-032201-31 (Hightstown)
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OSHA Training: CPR/First Aid/AED - #04-022304-31 - (Hightstown,NJ)
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Location-Change- Emerging Contaminants - Sampling, Labs, Results and Reporting -# 04-022101-30 -Riverdale, NJ
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Optimizing Filtration and Maintaining Filter Equipment - # 04-021704-10 - Holgate, NJ

Registration is Full for this event

Water and Wastewater Training Leaders

Training is just a part of our mission by providing provide water and wastewater operators the tools they need to stay current with increasing and ever change regulations of the water and sewer business.
NJWATER has an extensive training program including water and wastewater operator training, exam preparatory courses, operations and maintenance training, safety, financial, management training and more. All of our water/watewater operator courses are New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) approved for license renewal. 

Are you looking for on-site training at your facility?

NJWATER can offer your facility the convenience and efficiency of on-site contract training. This program will allow you to target your staff’s specific needs, such as certification, safety and operations and maintenance and administrative. We will work with you to develop a program of classes that are most suited to your educational and financial needs! 

Would you like to become an instructor?

NJWATER is always looking for professional instructors for our training seminars. We offer a wide variety of classes for water and wastewater operators, public works and public officials. If you think your training skills would be a good fit with NJWA please contact us at 609-242-7111 or Email Us