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Production Wells: Repair, Redevelop or Replace. Case Studies and Guidance (TCH# 04-101901-10) Atlantic County
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM EST

Event Description
Course Description:
The focus will be on (1) A review of basic well terminology; (2) Case studies documenting well redevelopment and repairs; (3) Cost comparisons of repairing vs. replacing a well; (3) The Production Well replacement process – design boring/test well, bidding, construction, regulatory framework, and timing; (4) An overview of well diagnostic programs and well rehabilitation methods; and (5) Implementing strategies for continuous monitoring for maintenance analysis.  The course will present and discuss topics that are relevant for water utility licensed operators, managers, field staff and consulting engineers.
Date and Location
November 12, 2024: Egg Harbor City Fire Department, 631 Philadelphia Avenue, EHC (Atlantic County)

Vincent W. Uhl, PH, PG.  UHL & Associates, Inc.  B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Notre Dame; M.S. Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State Univ.; M.S. Hydrogeology, Univ. of Arizona.
Sky Morehouse, PE.  Morehouse Engineering, Inc.:  B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania.
Ashish Daw, Senior Hydrogeologist and GIS Expert – UHL & Associates, Inc. B.Sc. Geology, Pune University, India; M.Sc. Applied Geology, Anna University, India.
3.0 TCH for NJ-Licensed Water Operators. TCH Course Number 04-101901-10
3.0 Hours, CPWM, Technical.  DLGS-NJWA-181